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DnB stands for Drum 'n' Bass aka Drum and Bass the electronic style of music that is probably hard to dance to but great for jump roping. 

It is very similar to initials, DHB, for Diane Hagan Bunn the founder of DnB but it's also her favorite music that inspired her creativity for this art. 

The best way to describe DnB music is rapid high energy with great jungle beats. In a similar way, the best way Diane describes her style for DnB textiles and art is fun and energetic with vibrant colorways. 

Where am I now? Currently, I'm in San Francisco being inspired by the art and talking walks water in my free time. 

What project(s) are you working on now? I just finished print art for Kerbey Lane Cafe that was held at its University of Texas location from early March and extended to mid July 2020 due to the pandemic. I'm currently designing a children's comforter, designing more poster art, and kicking up making hats again. 

All hats can be custom-made by request.

Design requests can be made via email.


We'll answer your comments, requests or questions promptly. 


Thank you!

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